Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Class - March 25, 2018

Guro Lem

We warmed up with drilling transitional drills 1 - 5. I noticed the guys were forgetting some of the targets from td's 4 and 5. They probably need a refresher course on those drills next class.

Next we worked on some different feeds using 3 of 9 as the main targets for this exercise. We went through at least 10 different feeds. In this exercise, we changed the way the Feeder would deliver the counts. I think the guys liked this approach to doing the 3 of 9 drill. If the Receiver still would get cut, he would reset and try it again until he was able to correctly tap it. With this drill, it helped them become more proficient in their tapping.

Some things to remember to break their habits in doing:
Don't keep a picture pose when a Receiver is tapping. Finish the tap all the way through until blade is away pointing in another direction.
Finish with a control and/or ready to punch.
Get in a ready stance before the attack.
Start farther apart from each other. Don't start off in the drilling range.

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