Friday, June 19, 2015

Maharlika Class: June 16, 2015

Tonight's class, we taught panatuken from the Guard 5 stance. Started from the jab, jab-cross, jab-cross-hook, jab-backfists, and jab-elbow/finger jab.

Integrated it into the 3 of 9 template with clearing cross-taps.

1. Jab
2. Elbow or hook
3. Downward punch or hook
4. hammer fists or elbow
5. scoop kick or guard 5 upward jab
6. back fist
7. kick or hammer fist
8. elbow or hook
9. hook or forearm hit to side/back of the head.

Can target any part of the body. But the motions stay the same.

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