Thursday, May 24, 2012

Training @ Maharlika Martial Arts: May 22

Tonight, Guro Bob had us partner up to work on our Atienza Kali long blade techniques. One training partner held out their stick while the other tried to hit it using long slashes. For those of you don't know, long slashes are chambered from the shoulder up. Short slashes are from the shoulder down. After a few tries of not hitting the stick, we tried short slashes. Once we were hitting the stick consistently, we backed up about a step and tried to hit the stick again.

We then tried hitting the hand while the receiver would move his hand away. We then progressed the drill to light sparring (only hitting the hand/arm).

I think all of us had a good time. Some of the guys got accidently hit in the gonads so I think they had a different perspective of the class.

On a side note, I wanted to mention Guro Bob is hosting Tuhon Carl Atienza on June 9, 2012 (Saturday evening training). Please contact Guro Bob Shin for more details: bobshin (at) I believe the materials covered will be Combat Analysis/Stategy session for long blade/stick.

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