Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Class Notes: 4/5/2015


Review 3 of 9 Rh/Lh template/Lh defeats Rh
TD 1-5
Free Flow
Dan continues his growth in understanding of free flow. As an instructor, I should be the one guiding the free flow. I dictate what the student learns. This part of the process of being a teacher and student is a learning process. I want to see what works for me but at the same time be able to explain what can be learned from that encounter for him.

As for free-flow from a Feeder's standpoint, it should be the Feeder who dictates how the free-flow will turn out. In the end, it can come from both sides of the free-flow: From a Receiver turning into a Feeder or from a Feeder staying as a Feeder. This will depend on the knowledge (skill level), use of the information (experience, skill level), and familiarity of the technique (attack/cross-tapping).

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