Monday, October 31, 2011

Apprentice Instructor's training: Oct. 29

I was fortunate to be an observer at the Apprentice's weekend for their L.O.T. training. It was nice to meet and see old faces. Pamana Tuhon led the group with topics that makes everyone think about there training in a different manner. Tuhon Tom also stopped by and gave some insightful advice about their training. Good times again!

On a side note. . . Tuhon Tom is going to have a seminar in Warwick, England. I think it's going to be Dec 10 & 11, 2011. Contact Guro Krishna Godhania at He has the details on what will be presented on those dates.

I think this will be a good way to meet a Tuhon in the Sayoc Kali system. Especially, hearing about the riots in England that happened this past August 2011. Sayoc Kali not only teaches about blade tactics and blade awareness, it heightens your awareness of people and surroundings. And why do we train in martial arts? Initially, to protect ourselves. But it should also include protecting those we love. The training brings everything into perspective. Wouldn't it be nice to dictate your circumstance like a Feeder and not become the victim (Receiver)?

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Training @ MMA: Oct 18, 2011

In class, we trained TD1 with silak skill-sets and reviewed 7 count passing drill with other people.  Most of these techniques overlap. You need to know the 7 count passing drill in order to pull-off the silak techniques within the transitional flow drill. Sayoc Silak is the second of three components of Sayoc Kali (Sayoc Kali being the first). Silak is the empty-hand skill-sets that incorporates percussion hits, disarming, and locking. It traps or disarms the blade hand by combining the use of percussion hits and manipulating the wrist.

Performing these silak movements within a blade flow attack . . . that's what it's all about.

Monday, October 17, 2011

To Have Forms or To Have Templates?

When we think about performing katas or forms, we think of pre-scripted fight sequences. First, you learn how to punch, kick, and block in the form. I remember taking TKD and performing these forms. Each belt progression adds upon the prior form.

Sayoc Kali forms are hidden within the drills. In the 3 of 9 drill, we show the vital template first.  It's the skeleton of the drill. It maps out the targets and flow of the drill. Knowing the template shows the form or how you are supposed to position yourself in the drill (the angle of the blade and the body positioning).

Sayoc Kali Instructor seminar

I had the opportunity to attend my instructor weekend seminar in October 8 & 9, 2011. Good times!

Class: Oct 16, 2011

Attendance: Bryant N (MMA), Lem

Blade flipping/holstering.
7 count passing drill
Receiver grips
Introduced physical stressor 40 push-ups.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Training @ MMA: Oct 4, 2011

At Maharlika Martial Arts, Guro Bob worked on 7 count passing drill. This drill utilizes strips/disarms. Worked with different guys to see how I would do. This is really nice to know if you have someone you don't really want to hurt. Good for disarming a drunk relative or friend. But most disarms are hard to pull off against someone who wants to do you harm. If you have a disarming technique from your art, try pulling it off when someone is coming at you with intent. No scripted attack ... change it up. Change the angle of attack. Can you still pull off your disarm?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Atienza Kali Seminar: Oct 30

Who: Tuhon Carl Atienza
What: Maryland Training Group Seminar (Combat Analysis/Mass Attack)
Where: Ellicott City, MD
When: Sunday, October 30, 2011 (10 am to 4 pm)
Cost: $200

Please R.S.V.P. to Guro Bob Shin: