Sunday, August 16, 2015

Maharlika Class: Aug 11, 2015

Tonight's class we went of over a new subset of the TD1 - no contact. This time, we taught only the first five to see if the class could retain the techniques better. We will see what happens next week when we continue teaching the drill.

We had the class free-flow and change partners every two minutes. Watched some utilized the technique they learned tonight which was good. Some are still learning to incorporate it into their own flow.

Couldn't free-flow tonight. My shoulder was feeling weak and hurting at the rotator cuff. I will continue to monitor and see how it feels this week. I'll probably get it checked out. Hopefully nothing serious. Then start strengthening it again after some days off from training if all the test are negative.

Great class tonight!!


Class Notes: Aug 9, 2015



Reviewed 2 of 12 template Rh & Lh
Reviewed 3 of 9 template with tapping
Taught TD1 with new revisions
Reviewed pendulum, corckscrew, and shear tapping

Today's class was nice. I got to see how well they could learn the new TD1. Sometimes trying to re-learn something that you've been taught in the past messes with your technique. One guy hasn't seen the old version of TD1, so there was no need to worry about old tendencies. But what I noticed was the student who already new the old version was able to pick up the new TD1 version without too much issues. I guess the muscle memory and familiarity with the way a Sayoc Kali practitioner moves are installed to correctly respond to an attack.

Then, I discussed switches and timers. Also I talked about the reactionary gap.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Maharlika Martial Arts: Aug 4, 2015

Sometimes, we plan to teach something and realize that some of the student's can't remember what we taught last week. This night was one of those times.

We started reviewing and drilling TD1. We were going to teach the next subsets of the TD1 drill, but we realized that they needed to get more drilling reps for TD1. We continued to switch partners and added a modifier to the drill. We had the Receivers sit down on a chair and practiced drilling it from that position. Then, we switched feeds. Later, we saw the intent was amped up which was good. So we told them to try to add one of the subsets to gain entry to the target. I had some good flows with the guys. In some of my shots I used the power assist moves that we learned last week. Nice to know that it works!

Training can be for learning, installing correct responses, experimentation, learning what works, or trying out new material (technique) in class.

Great class!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Maharlika Class: July 28, 2015

Tonight's class we continued on teaching the subsets for TD1. On this night, we went over power assist. During class, I was observing everyone's movement, and it showed that TD1 was sinking into their muscle memory. Some of the techniques had to be performed more than once to get the right entry into the target. Once they got it, they flowed right into their entry target. After working these techniques over and over, we then tried free-flowing and added to gain entry by power assist.

This part of class looked so fun that I had to step in and free flow with the student's. Once I realized I could perform these (power assist) at random during free flow, I tried applying the other subsets of TD1 during free flow. I came to realize something I've learned what the Tuhon's where talking about. I learned how the formula was formed. Now, I could just change the variables.

I remember hearing at a Sayoc Kali Instructor's Weekend that when we learn the formula of the drill. We can actually plug any material or technique into that formula to learn a different skill set. No matter what type of technique you use within the formula for example: power assist, no clearing, take downs with blade, lakad, stop blocks, or drawing weapon. We can plug and play the technique into the formula to learn and drill.

Remember your Goals!